Pyramid Solitaire Classic


Remove all cards by pairing cards to a value of 13 An A 1 J 11 and Q 12 points A K 13 points and can be removed as single card


标签 休闲 , card , logic , puzzle , solitaire
开者者 N/A
发布时间 2022-12-17
语言 英文
游戏大小 N/A
平台 H5

Pyramid Solitaire Classic

Remove all cards from the pyramid by combining two cards to a total value of 13. The numerical cards are worth the face value, the A is 1 point, the J is 11 points, the Q is 12 points and the K is 13 points. The King can be removed as a single card. You can use the cards in the Draw pile to get a new face-up card.